Mayhem Creative Publishing
"Giving A Voice To The Unheard"


Mayhem Creative Publishing came into existence through the offering of Another Story For Another Time.

It is, most definitely a life well lived. It is a true to life story that never stops living. It began as a thought to write “A”, as in singular, book, which has turned out to be two copyrighted volumes to date and we’re made aware that Volume 3 is expected to be completed mid 2024. Volume 4??? Also to be noted, the title in its entirety, has been issued a Registered Trademark.

Volume One guides you from the birth of a man through very early life highs, lows and youthful tragedies. A life of Athletic prowess. Drafted into the Army right out of college. You will live his two years of service during the Vietnam/Nixon Era. An amazing, you don’t want to miss, eight-month Hippy Trip throughout Europe and North Africa. Highlighted by a drive, in a VW Van, across the entire Sahara Desert from Morocco through Algeria into Tunisia, experiencing all its encounters. Then back into Sicily for re-entry into Europe. Return to USA where his career decision develops, which leads us into Volume two.

Volume Two begins where Volume One ends. On the road and entering into Las Vegas. You’ll live through the proactive drive, enormous self-confidence, perseverance and what it takes to survive in the casino industry as an outsider. When entering Las Vegas, Jules has not only never been here before, he doesn’t know anyone or anything about the casino industry. What will it take to survive? Volume Two, in its entirety, to include a few side ventures, takes us through a seventeen-year Las Vegas casino career, beginning in the early 1970’s. Learning to deal, working his way into a major strip casino, into management and his involvement is two hotel casino floor set ups. Highlighting his path through Las Vegas are his encounters with people you never expect to ever come in contact with and all the incredible situations the life here provides.

Volume Three begins his life after the casino industry and how he develops career number two. You’ll just have to wait for the life of Volume Three as its not being disclosed. But, we’re told, it is another industry that most will never experience from the inside.

Interestingly, this book has been twice written. Each Volume offers the reader a choice of either the Raw Edition or Edited Edition. They are defined moving forward.

Another Story For Another Time
Raw Edition
Voiced As Lived

The Raw Edition. A true, life story, as lived and written by its author. Nothing sugar coated. It is written as it was lived, thought and spoken. Nothing in this work is meant to offend anyone. If it should, the author’s belief is you will be in judgement of his life. It was a life lived, not fabricated.

From the Author:

My story is told as lived. A few generations in the past where most of the opinions and beliefs of today, didn’t exist. It was truly a more, simple and different world. My life is a great story filled with experiences most people will never have the good fortune to encounter themselves.

In the non-edited, Raw Edition, you will walk with me, experiencing my life, beside me as it occurs. Please take it at face value and enjoy your read.

Another Story For Another Time
Edited Edition
A Life Incomplete

I’m not aware of any other book, written twice, becoming two versions. How this decision arose, credit my daughter Meridith. She read a portion of what is now deemed, the Raw Edition, and felt it was very demeaning to women and a few other choice negatives in her thinking. We got into a minor heated argument about it. I believe she’s incorrect, but I respect all opinions. I felt she was judging my life, which was lived, not fabricated.

I think my life’s story is a great read. That being said, I want all that choose to read or listen to the Audio of my life, be able to do so without being offended. Below, offered, is the character of the re-written Edited Edition.

Edited Edition is devoid of curse words (may or may not have missed a few), explicit sexual situations, sexual innuendos and off color, jokes & stories. My apologies in advance for missed off color words or phrases. Innuendos are just that. Its conclusions are subjective.

This Edited Edition is the same, but incomplete, story not told in the voice of its author. It is meant to be non-offensive, very Vanilla. A reading for people who might be religiously offended or simply people who feel as though any story can be told without using off color language or blatant sexual situations. Even though lived, not fabricated.

Repeating, there are many instances removed from the original Raw Edition. Removals include, off color verbiage, jokes and detailed adult situation although some hilarious. It will be a shame for people who might not read the Raw Edition. There are some great stories and much humor that one, won’t experience here. It’s your choice. Whichever you choose, the hope is, you enjoy your experience. It was, is and continues as
A Life Well Lived.

From the Author:

My story is told as lived, a few generations in the past where most of the opinions and beliefs of today, didn’t exist. It was truly a more, simple and different world. My life is a great story filled with experiences most people will never have the good fortune to encounter themselves.

In the non, edited edition, you will experience my life, beside me as it occurs. Please take it at face value and enjoy your read.

This Edition is, as you’re informed, edited, yet keeping the living experiences intact, but without true expression.

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